April 7, 2015Posted in: 50INCHESORBETTER

All over the internet you see posts about Good Pussy…
Men, say she got some good pussy!
Women say, I got that good pussy!
But what does that really mean tho? What is your Definition of Good Pussy, is it the taste, the look, the wetness, how it feels, what it does to you???
What does Good Pussy really mean tho?
About admin
Anything Less Is Just Average!
Good Pussy first and foremost has a sweetness about it. It takes indescribable aroma. Good pussy is one where you can explore inside and feel all her dimensions. From her Gspot to the back wall and from exploring and hitting these spots her secretions start to formulate and leak onto you. Good pussy is one that keeps you wanting more and keeps you erect after orgasmic pleasure. Simply put
You ain’t playing with em huh bro!
Good pussy will leave you traumatized. Good pussy will make you fall in love, even if she’s ugly. Good pussy stays tight no matter how hard you think you beat it up previously. Good pussy will make you lose friends, money, and family members. Good pussy has no smell or taste. Good pussy is an experience
Right on!!!
Good pussy will have him picturing a future with you. The type of pussy so good that he’ll be proud to brag that he ate, cherished and experienced it. Good pussy is the type of pussy he’ll basically move you in and forget he had work to do.. the type that’ll have him getting jealous when you don’t call him back right away. The type of pussy he wanna take you home to mom cuts heh feels like he’s known and been with you for years.. I got that good pussy.