April 5, 2015Posted in: 50INCHESORBETTER

It’s okay to keep it real!
We are often intimidated by what we love. This question came to mind while thinking of seeing your favorite Big Booty Model or Average Big Booty Woman in public. Would you have the heart and comfort to approach her and speak. Or would you just admire her curvy body and humbly appreciate the view? It’s been times that I’ve seen Booties so BIG that I was like DAAAAMN! It was so unexpected and caught me off guard so much that all I could do was look but I was speechless. I’m sure many of you have experienced this same thing.
What are your thoughts and experiences?
About admin
Anything Less Is Just Average!
I work at Target in Brooklyn New York.I’m 24 & I do get intimated when seeing a guest with an small big butt or medium big butt and a big big butt.After they asked me for help.I get comfortable fast and start my conversation.The ones with the low budget are the ones I go after first because I don’t need to date them to Chop & Screw their BOOTY.
lol @chop & screw their booty